The Truth About Fluoride

As a parent, your goal is to help your child grow healthy and strong. You are concerned about healthy habits, what medicines to take, and how to have healthy teeth. So how do you make an informed decision about fluoride? Is it safe for your child? What is it and how does it help? The truth is: yes, fluoride does help kids develop healthy, strong teeth. Fluoride also helps to prevent cavities. 

However, there is much more to know about fluoride than just that it is helpful. What else should you know about fluoride to make the best decision for your child?

What is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is used in dentistry to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent cavities. Fluoride is a mineral in your bones and teeth; it is also found in many natural sources such as water, soil, plants, and rocks. Click here for more resources related to fluoride and water fluoridation.

What Does Fluoride Do?

Fluoride protects teeth from developing tooth decay in three ways:

  • makes tooth enamel stronger and more resistant to acid which causes cavities

  • reverses early tooth decay by putting minerals back into the teeth

  • interferes with bacteria’s ability to make acid

How Do I Know If There is Fluoride in My Drinking Water?

For over 75 years, people in the US have been drinking water with added fluoride in order to provide a broad and effective dental health benefit. In fact, community water fluoridation is considered one of the top 10 great health achievements in the 20th century. However, water fluoridation may vary depending on the source of your drinking water. If you source water from a private well or regularly drink bottled water, check out these FAQs provided by the CDC to learn more about fluoride levels and how you can determine if you are receiving enough or too much. To learn more about fluoride levels in your local drinking water, the CDC has a helpful tool (linked in the button below) which you can use to check your local water supply. This online tool will tell you whether your city adds fluoride to its water supply and how much. 

Fluoridated water provides helpful dental benefits such as preventing and reversing tooth decay

Is Fluoride Safe? 

Fluoride is safe and effective when used properly. However, it is possible to have too much of a good thing. The main risk of using too much fluoride is a condition called dental fluorosis. Children can develop this condition if they’re exposed to excessive fluoride for an extended time, especially when they are young. 

The most common reason children develop fluorosis is by swallowing too much fluoride toothpaste. It is important to supervise children while they are brushing their teeth to ensure that they’re spitting out the toothpaste after brushing. Effects of fluorosis can be identified if you notice white spots developing on your child’s teeth. 

What Are The Benefits of Professional Fluoride Treatments?

The primary benefit of professional fluoride treatments for children is stronger, healthier teeth. While fluoridated water has been a standard in the US for decades, children may not receive enough fluoride from toothpaste or drinking water, especially if your child primarily drinks bottled water. Professional fluoride treatments compensate for the average deficiency in fluoride intake. 

The earlier that children are exposed to fluoride, the less likely they are to develop cavities. A large study found that children and adolescents who received fluoride treatments for one year were 43 percent less likely to have tooth decay and cavities. 

Dr. Caple, pediatric dentist in northwest Arkansas, recommends and provides a professional fluoride treatment to help strengthen children’s teeth and protect against cavities. Fluoride treatments are applied in a highly concentrated rinse or varnish and safely supply much more fluoride than what is in toothpaste or water. The fluoride varnish is typically applied at the end of a hygiene treatment and only takes a few minutes to brush onto the teeth.

Talk to our pediatric dentist, Dr. Caple, if you have more questions about the benefits and risk of letting your child use fluoride. Fluoride is a safe and natural way to help prevent tooth decay. However, making sure your child gets the right amount of fluoride is one way to help your kids have healthy teeth. At your next appointment in our Rogers, AR, dental office, Dr. Caple will evaluate your child’s teeth and help you make informed decisions. 


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